Wednesday, March 4, 2009

From Heroes to Zeroes?

Have our heroes turned into Zeroes?

Short answer - Yes!
Long answer - Hell yeah!

Volume four - Fugitives - opens with the heroes all trying to live under the radar having returned to their normal, mundane lives. Key word here is mundane and serves to describe the episode in full.

While a group of Nathan's Hunters begin rounding up the heroes in order to send them to his version of Guantanamo Bay, Claire is the only one who finds out the dastardly evil plan Nathan and Angela are plotting - cue evil maniacal laugh - oh wait there wasn't one! This show is a shadow of its former self and isn't even so bad it's good! 

The whole plot device of having claire running around in a desperate effort to save Parkman only for her to put her hands up when the hunters arrived, was very, very weak. It only served to position her as the saviour of those captured and allow them to commandeer the plain flown by none other than her daddy!

If there is one piece of advice I have for the writers of this show, it is to stop ripping your ideas from other shows. The last few years we've had plenty of ideas and even guest stars from the badly missed 4400 (a show with class, style, originality and plenty of substance) and now it seems you're raiding the rejection bin at the Days of Our Lives office. This show is going down hill so fast, I can't keep up! It needs to sort itself out quick. Either that or the show will end up like Prison Break, which would be a shame given it has such potential. I can't be the only person who feels this way, just look at the plummeting viewing figures on both sides of the pond!

The only reason I'm continuing to watch at the moment is the excellent, underused Angela Pettrelli who knows how to play all sides from all angles whilst making a fish pie! Bring her to the forefront and give her time to shine and I'm a happy bunny. Either that or I feel next year the bad guy, probably still the ran-his-course Sylar, will be stroking a cat in an underground lair!

Goddess of SciFi verdict 3/10

Battlestar Galactica - Deadlock

This episode sees the return of Ellen to the fleet with the help of the original Boomer. First off, am I the only one who felt close to vomiting at the reunion of Tigh and Ellen? It was nauseous and more off putting than the entire run of the re-imagined Bionic woman! Kate Vernon was one of the saving grace of this poorly written episode. She relishes her role as Ellen and pitches her character at just the right level. Even the confrontation with Caprica before she loses her baby, is beautifully pitched.

The other highlight is Baltar. Having lost his way since New Caprica to the extent of almost being sidelined and brought out for comical value, he gets a moment to shine. Having abandoned Galactica during the 'rebellion' he returns to his wenches to find he has a challenger for the role of their leader. How did he get them back on his side? the promise of big guns to which they all applaud.

As for Adam, he spends the episode stroking the hull of his ship.

Lets ignore some of the glaring plotholes such as the Cylon workforce moisturizing the hull even though, it was Adama's one wish it was an all human workforce, and the obviously over easy escape of Ellen Tigh from the rebel Cylons and concentrate on the positives... ... ... ... ...

In conclusion, I am glad this series is scrapping it's way toward the end in more ways than one. The whole idea of the Galactica falling apart is an intriguing story, but it's realization on screen is disappointing. Given the extent of the damage to some parts of the ship, Adama really needs to have a chat with his repair crews - what the frak have they been doing these last few years? Surely he has a crew as maintenance of the only defense against the enemy should have been vital priority ? So, forgive me when I say I have little sympathy.

Personally, I expected far more from these episodes and if the end wasn't in sight, I would seriously consider whether to continue on.

Goddess of SciFi verdict - 6/10
