Thursday, February 26, 2009

Being Human renewed and Demons Culled?

Well, it's good news all round! BBC have confirmed the fantastic Being Human is to return for an extended run of 8 episodes next year - That kind of gives away the cliffhanger to last weeks episode, but i'm so happy i don't care! And, if that didn't put a smile on your face, it looks like Philip Glenister has announced his plans to quit Demons stating his busy schedule as the reason. ITV haven't officially said Demons is no more, but with one of it's key characters missing, hopefully they will see sense and put the awful Buffy rip-off out of it's misery.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Unborn

The Unborn is a supernatural thriller starring Gary Oldman as Rabbi Sendak and Odette Yustman as Casey Beldon. The film follows a family as they try to rid a young girl of an evil spirit.

I won't go into much more detail as to put it simply, this film is a total waste of space and should be avoided at all costs. It's a preposterous and laugh-out-loud and not for the right reasons! It's a horror that completely falls apart under the weight of it's overuse of mystical jumbo, predictable shock scares and hammy acting. It also suffers from a cliche ridden script providing nothing we haven't already seen in any other movie about demonic possession.

Goddess of SciFi verdict - 2/10 

Torchwood - Children of Earth

Well the trailer is available now and it doesn't look promising. Torchwood works best on the psychological level but it is taking all of my psychological abilities to fathom how they think such a week trailer would get anyone interested! One story about the children of Earth being frozen in time being told over five nights, sends shivers down my spine. We'll have to wait and see but I don't have too much faith! Let me know what you guys think!

Stargate Universe expands cast.

Entertainment weekly reports that the third incarnation of the Star Gate franchise "Stargate: Universe" has revealed two more additions to the already strong cast. Joining Robert Carlyle, Lou Diamond Phillips, Aliana Huffman, Justin Louis, David Blue, Jamil Walker Smith and Brian J. Smith (and breathe) are Ming-Na (ER) and Elyse Levesque (Smallville).

The new series due to premiere on Sci-FI in October, follows a group of soldiers, scientists and civilians who are stranded on an ancient ship in the far reaches of space (Star Trek Voyager anyone?)

Eastwick finds it's second witch.

Hot on the heels of the recent casting of Jaime Ray Newman as one of the three witches, it has emerged that Lipstick Jungle's Lindsay Price has been cast as the second of the three wiccans in ABC's upcoming "Eastwick".

Not sure what this means on the fate of Lipstick Jungle, but it can't look too good. I wonder who'll complete the trio? You can be sure I'll let you know right here on ScFi Arena!

Goddess of Scifi

Being Human - 1.5

As fans of this show will know, the BBC press release for this show is:

"A comedy drama series about three twenty-something housemates trying to live normal lives in Bristol, despite struggling with unusual afflictions - one is a werewolf, one is a vampire and the other is a ghost." (BBC Website)

Now to call this a comedy drama pushes this in the wrong direction. You'd expect laugh-a-minute gags, which just isn't so. That doesn't mean it isn't funny, you just could not place it in the same category as Friends, Frasier or Will and Grace - That would be crime! Personally I would classify this as a Horror/Drama with dark comic undertones similar in style to Dead Like Me. And I love every minute of it!

In this fast-paced story driven penultimate episode, Mitchell portrayed perfectly by Aidan Turner, returns to the vampire fold having given up on humanity.  Aidan fits the role nicely showing Mitchell's darker side without going over the top. The scene in the kitchen where his housemates find out what he has been up to, is a piece of great writing and superb acting by all three. Aidan has a moment to shine as his darker ego, but at the same time George (Russell Tovey) and Annie (Lenora Crichlow) provide the humor in their reactions.

Inevitably, Mitchell uncovers the true nature of his vampire family, when he uncovers a locked room full of homeless children used as nothing more than food. A horrifying and somewhat unexpected scene showing just what this show can do, leads to a confrontation with his boss Herrick (Jason Watkins).

The B story, just as strong as the main story itself, leads Annie to confront her murderous ex-husband Owen (Gregg Chillin) - after a little practice of course!

The writer (Toby Whitehouse) took the opportunity to play on Annie's key traits and when she does "haunt" Owen the outcome is far from the norm and he turns the tables as he did in life leaving Annie in tears. However, her friends come to her rescue allowing her to finally confront him and in the process reveal the darker side of the world. I still want to know what she whispered in his ear to make him run to the police in such a state.

The end of the episode gives Annie the opportunity to pass to the other side, but she torn after Herrick stakes Mitchell and George begins to panic. Will Mitchell survive? Does Annie pass over? Will George stop fretting like a girl? The answers will be revealed Sunday 9pm BBC3!

Overall, I am throughly enjoying this strongly written, well acted hour of television. And to think the appalling car crash trash that was Phoo Action, was the show BBC originally picked to take to series? Thank God for fan intervention. My only gripe is that it is hidden away on the Tweeny-yob channel BBC3. Surely it deserves better than this? If Torchwood (More soon) can make it to BBC1, then I see no reason why this shouldn't too!

Goddess of Scifi verdict - 9.2/10

Missed it? - How very dare you! Watch it courtesy of BBC IPLAYER. Or I'll send the wolf round!

Goddess of SciFI

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The CW have today confirmed that our beloved Winchester brothers will be gracing our screens for a fifth season of the underrated Supernatural and out of left-field they have also renewed Smallville for a landmark ninth season. Good news in this camp!

Goddess of SciFi hot on the heels of breaking news!

A little something for my fans!

From me to you, enjoy! I challenge you all to make a part 2! Who can please the Goddess of Scifi? a gift for kirk 2

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!


This film is set be released on 03 June 2009 and from the trailer looks to be an interesting ride.

Set in an alternate 1985 America where Superheroes are part of the norm and tension with the Soviet Union is high, washed-up vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to discredit all past and present superheroes. He glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy that links to his crime-fighting legions past and has catastrophic consequences for the future. Their mission is watch over humanity - but who is watching the Watchmen?

Directed by Zack Snyder ("300") and based on the award winning DC Comics graphic novel, the film promises to be faithful and give the viewer a roller-coaster ride.

What do you guys think? Will you be watching the Watchmen or leave them to their own devices?

ratings Round up -UK

Last nights all new episode of "Heroes" (review coming soon) on BBC2 came third in the 9pm hour pulling in 2.4m (10%). ITV1's new Law & Order spinoff lead the hour with a respectable 6.4m (26%) and the atrocious "Who do you think you are?" gave BBC1 second place with 5.7m (23%)

The advance showing of the next episode of Heroes at 10:30pm gave BB3 a share of (6.4%) pullng in 782,000.

Goddess of Scifi

Ratings Round up -US

Well, the latest figure are in...

Whilst "Dollhouse" fell 15% in the ratings (4.2 million viewers 1.7/7), this is pretty standard drop-off from a pilot episode, it was beaten in the hour by "Supernanny" (5.2 million 1.8/5). In the 8pm slot "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" fell a tenth of a point from last weeks mid-season return (3.8 million 1.3/5)

Normally, these ratings would be alarming. However, these are in the Friday night "graveyard" slot considered by most, the place shows go to die so they don't raise too many concerns apart from both shows being relatively expensive to produce. I never really understand the need to move TSCC or premiere DH in this slot to begin with. Maybe FOX just wants rid of them?

More soon...

Eastwick finds the first witch

The Hollywood Reporter claims that Jaime Ray Newman (Veronica Mars) has landed one of the lead roles in new drama pilot, Eastwick. She will play Kat, a good-natured nurse and mother to several children. Loosely based on 1987 feature "The Witches of Eastwick", which starred Michelle Pfiefer, Susan Sarandon, Cher & Jack Nicholson,  ABC's new drama will follow the three young witches as they come into their powers after a new stranger comes to town.

Liz Heldens (Friday night Lights) has written the script and will exec produce the pilot.

As a fan of the book, I look forward to seeing this and hope it isn't just a charmed clone.

Goddess of Scifi

Ratings Round up -UK

It looks like the US import Lost is steaming ahead in the Sunday night smackdown that is Lost (SKY1) - V - Being Human (BBC3) - V - Supernatural (ITV2).

Early ratings for last night show that Lost managed to average 963K (4%) whilst Being Human has dropped to a new series low of just 578k (2.5%) although this is at least 30% higher than usual. Meanwhile, The Winchester brothers managed to pull in 472K (2%) ITV2 & 196K (1%) ITV2+1.

So it looks like Lost is maintaining it's audience after starting the season with 936K (4%) but Being Human isn't fairing anywhere near as well dropping from 898K (3.9%) for it's opening episode. 

I can't fathom why the boring, no-plot, badly written Lost is beating both Being Human and Supernatural when they are available to a far wider audience and overall better quality television.

Does anyone out there have any ideas?

Reviews for all three series coming soon,

Goddess of Scifi

Star Trek XI movie

So what do we all think of the upcoming Star Trek XI? Personally, I'm not sure. Whilst the trailer looks nothing like the Trek we have all grown to love, is that a bad thing? Whilst I adore everything Trek, Deep Space Nine especially, I do think it had completely run it's course by the time Enterprise limped onto the screen. So, whilst it isn't "Trek" per se, it does actually look like a promising film in it's own right.

I think this is definitely going to divide the fans and only time will tell if it will be the success that Paramount hope. I for one intend to see it but with an open mind and no "trek' bias as I feel this is the best way to treat it, and the only way to review it for you guys!

Check out the trailer on the Star Trek widget.

Until next time, 

The Goddess of Scifi signing off...

The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2:12 "Alpine Fields"

This episode makes a nice change from the recent run of slow-burning weak episodes and jumps straight into the action with Sarah stuck in a cabin deep in the woods trying to protect a family from being eliminated by a T888.

The writers opted to utilize the shows strengths by using different points in the timeline to reveal which family member the T888 was after and why they needed to be saved.  This worked well and lead to a thoroughly engaging story leading to the realization by Derek that the unborn child (Sydney) of the dying mother in the present, held the cure for a deadly disease in the future. A nice emotional twist leads to Lauren, the unborn baby's sister, making the transition from a nobody to the doctor who actually injects Derek in the future with the cure after he saves Sydney yet again.

Whilst this episode was stronger than recent offerings, it wasn't without it's downside. The father, played by Carlos Jacott was badly portrayed. Whether this was bad writing or acting it is hard to tell, but either way I felt nothing towards this character and wanted the T888 to put him out of his misery. I also felt we could have seen more of the Terminator threat. We knew he was in the woods, but what took him so long to find the cabin even after Cameron was thrown through its roof? A little alteration and the pay-off would have been far greater. As it was there was very little tension, apart from a brief sequence in the car when the gang try to escape giving the excellent Summer Glau a chance to shine.  

The best thing about the episode is the lack of the awful Thomas Dekker, the poorly cast Shirley Manson and the almost pointless Richard T. Jones. The writers need to address the teenage whiny aspect to John soon as I find it unfathomable that anyone would want to follow this guy into battle. If I were Sarah, I'd contemplate taking the brat out myself! With regard to the Weaver/Ellison story, this just isn't working for me. Shirley is supremely awful leading to most of her scenes being cringe-worthy. Ellison worked better on his own and was a much stronger character last season.                                                           

All in all, a good fast-paced, emotionally driven episode showing just what this program can do when the writers try. 

Goddess of SCIFI verdict - 7.5/10

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Episodes of Red Dwarf Coming soon!

Unless you've been hidden deep within the lower decks of the mining ship, you can't have escaped the news that a new three-part episode "Back to Earth" of the iconic space comedy will be gracing our screens on Digital channel Dave from April 10th 2009.

So what do we know so far?
All original main characters are back and played by the same actors. Obviously, the guys make it back to Earth. But is it the true Earth? There were a few days filming on the set of Coronation Street - this does leave me a tad worried. And there is a Starbug car!

From what insiders tell me, the cast and crew are enjoying every minute and fell back into the roles instantly but they won't let on anything about the script. Is this a good thing or a bad omen? Hopefully, it will be nothing like the last series which left a bad taste in my mouth. If the break has allowed them to create a truly great script, then good on them. But the mention of Coronation Street is slightly ominous.

All in all, I hope this is a success for both the cast and crew, as well as channel Dave who, unlike the BBC, have faith in this series and I for one, look forward to April 10th. Shortly after, I will have a tasty review for you right here on SCIFI ARENA.

The Goddess of Scifi. 

Dead Like Me - Life after death?

So, after being released almost a week ago, I have finally got round to watching this much anticipated and much delayed straight to DVD movie spin off. Verdict - Great!

As someone who found DLM after it's premature cancellation thanks to a friend's DVD, I instantly fell in love with the strong characters, witty script and superb ensemble. The show was short lived but went out on a high. So you can imagine my surprise when rumors of a revival first surfaced almost 2 years ago. Hesitant would be an understatement, but I loved it so much I just had to give the movie a go. And I'm glad I did!

Gone is Mandy Pantikin as Rube Sofer, the post-it loving leader of the group. So too is Laura Harris who played the beautiful blonde Daisy Adair. But fear not, all the old regulars are back - and better than ever! I won't say too much but Christina Willes is on top form as Delores Herbig and thoroughly relishes the role. 

With two cast members missing, the team are joined by Desmond from lost and Kate Warner from 24. Better known to you an I as Sarah Wynter, who takes over the role of Daisy and Henry Ian Cusick who plays new leader and slick business man, Cameron Kane. Henry slips easily into the fold making the loss of Mandy more bearable. However, the same cannot be said for the replacement Daisy. Whilst Sarah makes a good effort at recreating the character of Daisy, it just isn't the same and falls quite short of Laura's exquisite portrayal. I cannot fathom, why they didn't create a new character and have Daisy move on similar to Rube!

In conclusion, the film is a worthy successor and nice conclusion to tie up a lot of loose ends. The humor and superb writing is back and you feel these characters have never been away. A must see for the die hard fan, although it brings nothing new to the table. If this is indeed a back-door pilot for a series of movies or indeed a new run on TV, then it does it's job nicely.

For those of you who haven't seen it and want a sneaky peek, I include a four minute preview - I'm too good to you!

Verdict - 8.5/10!

OSCAR Winners

Big hugs to The Dark Knight for picking up two awards. The first for best sound editing and the second for best actor in a supporting role (Heath Ledger) Well done! As for the rest, full list here, congrats to you all, especially Slumdog Millionaire!

Goddess of Sci-fi,

Is Joss Whedon's Dollhouse broken beyond repair?

As those of you who have followed me over the years know, I adored BUFFY the vampire slayer. The Television incarnation of course, not the movie version starring Kristy Swanson that was, in short, rubbish!  Joss Whedon's wit and humor made this program must see TV during the late nineties inspiring many attempts to emulate it's success including a spinoff starring the ruggedly handsome David Boreanaz. Basically, Joss and his team of Buffettes, changed the face of TV overnight!

Now some 12 years later, his new show Dollhouse has much resting on its shoulders. The fans are in overdrive and the forums in meltdown. Can it maintain the same level of wit Whedon fans have become accustomed? Does it have all the care and attention to detail Whedon is known for? More importantly, will it last longer than the previous Whedon/Fox project Firefly

The short answer is unfortunately, no! Don't take this wrong, the whole premise is interesting right from the get-go. But having watched the pilot, I felt absolutely nothing towards any of the characters, in fact I felt nothing toward the show at all!

The premise is fairly simple. A group of DNA altered humans, known as Dolls live in a real-life Dollhouse (see what they did with the name there - oh so clever!). What makes these "Dolls" unique is the ability to download new memories and skills, allowing them to be pimped out to
the highest bidder so they can undertake missions before returning home and being re-wiped. 

The realization however, is disjointed at best. The reports of Fox's interference are evident and the opening scenes of "Echo" played by the wonderful Eliza Dushku, zipping though the streets on a motorbike after being "brought into the fold" failed to click with this viewer. Standard style over substance. During the episode Echo starts to remember sections of her previous life and Paul Bellard, an FBI agent, becomes dangerously close to bringing down the Dollhouse. I spent the entire time wondering where the trademark Whedon humor is. Short answer, I have yet to find it!

Overall, stylish and fast-paced but absolutely no real substance leaving me wondering if this will make it to full term. Most of the regular characters are cliched and fairly bland. As this is a pilot of a brand new series, normally I wouldn't be so harsh. I understand it takes time to settle in and get the plot and character motivations across. However, I can't help wonder what the original pilot was like before Fox got their grubby mitts on it - it can't have been worse, surely? So until I have seen the second installment, I will hold fire on writing the show off for good, as it does have potential. I just wonder if they writers can find it in time?

Here is the trailer courtesy of FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY

Goddess of sci-fi rating 6/10


The Goddess of Sci-fi has learned that Battlestar Galactica could be making it's way to the silver screen. But those of you, like me, who think the re-imagined Sci-fi cult classic is running out of steam as it crawls to the finish line with only 4 new episodes left to air, fear not! The Hollywood Reporter claims that this new movie will be based on the original series which ran from 1978-1979 and as such is an entirely different project scripted and produced by non other than the series creator himself, Glen A. Larson. 

Now while I'm all for keeping Sci-fi alive, I can't help but wonder if this is the right time for such a project. With Sci-fi due to wind up New BSG in the coming weeks and the interesting Caprica (more on that soon) due 2010, are we not over saturating the market? Take note what happened to Star Trek - too much in such a short amount of time!

Now, don't get me wrong, I am an avid fan of anything BSG and this does get me exited, but please can we have an entirely new staff on this project with a new slant on the tale. The reason I say this is because I feel the current run of BSG, whilst still compelling viewing, is nothing compared to the mini-series/series one. It is running out of steam and I feel was finishing at the right time, hence my mixed feelings about this new project.

Luckily, at this time, it is only rumor and Universal refuse to comment. Let's just hope if this is true the release date is sometime in 2012/13 by which time interest should have revived nicely.

The Goddess of Sci-fi must leave you now - back soon!
