Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Joss Whedon's Dollhouse broken beyond repair?

As those of you who have followed me over the years know, I adored BUFFY the vampire slayer. The Television incarnation of course, not the movie version starring Kristy Swanson that was, in short, rubbish!  Joss Whedon's wit and humor made this program must see TV during the late nineties inspiring many attempts to emulate it's success including a spinoff starring the ruggedly handsome David Boreanaz. Basically, Joss and his team of Buffettes, changed the face of TV overnight!

Now some 12 years later, his new show Dollhouse has much resting on its shoulders. The fans are in overdrive and the forums in meltdown. Can it maintain the same level of wit Whedon fans have become accustomed? Does it have all the care and attention to detail Whedon is known for? More importantly, will it last longer than the previous Whedon/Fox project Firefly

The short answer is unfortunately, no! Don't take this wrong, the whole premise is interesting right from the get-go. But having watched the pilot, I felt absolutely nothing towards any of the characters, in fact I felt nothing toward the show at all!

The premise is fairly simple. A group of DNA altered humans, known as Dolls live in a real-life Dollhouse (see what they did with the name there - oh so clever!). What makes these "Dolls" unique is the ability to download new memories and skills, allowing them to be pimped out to
the highest bidder so they can undertake missions before returning home and being re-wiped. 

The realization however, is disjointed at best. The reports of Fox's interference are evident and the opening scenes of "Echo" played by the wonderful Eliza Dushku, zipping though the streets on a motorbike after being "brought into the fold" failed to click with this viewer. Standard style over substance. During the episode Echo starts to remember sections of her previous life and Paul Bellard, an FBI agent, becomes dangerously close to bringing down the Dollhouse. I spent the entire time wondering where the trademark Whedon humor is. Short answer, I have yet to find it!

Overall, stylish and fast-paced but absolutely no real substance leaving me wondering if this will make it to full term. Most of the regular characters are cliched and fairly bland. As this is a pilot of a brand new series, normally I wouldn't be so harsh. I understand it takes time to settle in and get the plot and character motivations across. However, I can't help wonder what the original pilot was like before Fox got their grubby mitts on it - it can't have been worse, surely? So until I have seen the second installment, I will hold fire on writing the show off for good, as it does have potential. I just wonder if they writers can find it in time?

Here is the trailer courtesy of FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY

Goddess of sci-fi rating 6/10

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